Tag Archives: knowledge


Among other Indonesian heroines, why Kartini?

Indonesia marks Kartini Day every 21st April, honouring a revered figure in the nation’s history known for championing women’s rights during the Dutch colonial era. Kartini, a Javanese woman, defied societal norms by advocating for women’s education when it was frowned upon, challenging the prevailing notion that women should solely be confined to domestic roles.

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Period poverty is a climate injustice issue. Period.

Menstrual health has defined as a situation of complete physical, mental and social health and not simply the absence of physical weaknesses regarding the menstrual cycle (Hennegan et al., 2021). This definition aligns with the WHO definition of health, which also emphasises access to accurate education on menstruation, personal care and hygiene, timely diagnosis and

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A mother breastfeed her child. Image by World Vision Canada

Mamas’ Dilemmas: Exclusive Breastfeeding Program in Indonesia

Understanding women’s rights is fundamental in the development sector. However, these rights entities have been widely followed by the crisis of universality (Mutua, 2015). The universality of entitlement is not only about Northern versus Southern practices but also forces the idea that women-related concerns are seen as universal for all women, despite being in the

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