Tag Archives: Palestine Israel

Cover Book of Do Muslim Women Need Saving? By Lila Abu-Lughod (2015)

Do Muslim Women Need Saving? By Abu-Lughod, L (2015). Harvard University Press. A book review.

Introduction In the book Do Muslim Women Need Saving?, Lila Abu-Lughod (2015) examines the extravagant language of rescue and liberation used by Western media and human rights activists in portraying Muslim women to justify military invasion and development interventions as if Muslim women are the victims of Islam that need to be rescued from its

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A map of the country of Palestine from 1946 and the progress up to 2012

Historical events that shaped Palestine

Millions of Palestinians have been affected by the occupation of Israel in Palestine for more than seven decades. Civilians have been killed, violently displaced and forced to live under fear and uncertainty by this colonisation. This is indeed a greedy political war involving many countries that have political interest towards this tragedy. This needs to

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