Tag Archives: women

Cover Book of Do Muslim Women Need Saving? By Lila Abu-Lughod (2015)

Do Muslim Women Need Saving? By Abu-Lughod, L (2015). Harvard University Press. A book review.

Introduction In the book Do Muslim Women Need Saving?, Lila Abu-Lughod (2015) examines the extravagant language of rescue and liberation used by Western media and human rights activists in portraying Muslim women to justify military invasion and development interventions as if Muslim women are the victims of Islam that need to be rescued from its

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Embracing the Tides of Our Bodies

In this episode, Angie is discussing decolonising menstrual health in Indonesia based on her experience with Simavi, a Dutch NGO who focuses on women’s rights to water, sanitation and hygiene, including menstrual health.  Angie was interviewed by XingYu, from Debris Town, a digital platform for embracing young female fragmentation globally. Click below button to listen

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A woman holding a calendar and a clock so show her menstrual cycle. Image by Freepix Attribution Lisence.

Rethinking Menstrual Leave Policy in Indonesia

The menstrual leave policy usually grants unpaid or paid leave to female employees every month during menstruation and has been implemented in a few countries such as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Zambia, Indonesia and more recently, Spain as the first country to implement the policy in Europe. Since menstruation can cause physical and emotional discomfort

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