Ending period stigma through art work

I love doing artwork. But an artwork will be just a piece of artwork if it only stops at my brain or my desk. I am thinking of contributing to a change. So here I am, recreating an artwork, using Angelina Yusridar’s quote to support her during menstrual hygiene day 2023.

For me, a meaningful quote or statement has to be circulated to other people, and artwork is my way of distributing meaningful content. Additionally, Angelina has broad knowledge and, for me, is inspiring. I hope, by doing this, I help her to distribute her knowledge.

What is more, I was really triggered by the message. In my opinion, it is no longer relevant that useful or educative information should be delivered by first-hand experience people. I may not experience menstruation, but I can also be part of the movement, open discussion with other people. To debunk taboo, to break the silence and to stop the stigma around menstruation. Eventually, I hope can contribute to a world without discrimination.


Dedi Setiawan is an independent illustrator who loves doing art and is currently active in illustrating educational materials for children. He is based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

For further discussion, send an email to: iam.dedisetiawan@gmail.com or follow his Instagram @setyawan.etc

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