community corner

Marshall Ganz teaching leadership in front of class

Marshall Ganz: Zionism, Antisemitism and Leadership

This story has been published in The Nation, a US based independent media on 1st February 2024. This publication is reshared in Tulisan Puan to inform the Global South community on the current situation in The US regarding Israeli genocidal action to Palestina. The publication can be searched by it’s original title : “Calling for […]

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Inspire Inclusion in this International Women’s Day

The 2024 campaign theme for International Women’s Day is #inspireinclusion, promoted on the website of International Women’s Day. It says: “When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we forge a better world. And when women themselves are inspired to be included, there’s a sense of belonging, relevance, and empowerment. Collectively, let’s forge

Inspire Inclusion in this International Women’s Day Read More »

Copy Rights: Jakarta Post

Indonesia Mega Projects and The Lack of Public Participation

In September 2023, we often heard in the media about the conflict between the police and the indigenous community in Rempang, Batam, Indonesia. Why does this conflict arise? Community relocation due to the development of mega projects, called Eco-City of Rempang, is the leading cause. The Indonesian government has planned to build a multibillion-dollar Chinese-owned

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A map of the country of Palestine from 1946 and the progress up to 2012

Historical events that shaped Palestine

Millions of Palestinians have been affected by the occupation of Israel in Palestine for more than seven decades. Civilians have been killed, violently displaced and forced to live under fear and uncertainty by this colonisation. This is indeed a greedy political war involving many countries that have political interest towards this tragedy. This needs to

Historical events that shaped Palestine Read More »

Artwork by Sabda Naung


Reksa. Kita telanjang lagi. Aku memungut sisa-sisa hari ini tanpa kamu yang menemani pangkal pahaku yang kering. Kita senang mengalir bersama shower ringkih asam berbau besi berkarat. Tapi sekarang aku rebah di padang pasir. Haus, Tidak ada air yang melegakan kerongkonganku yang mentok dicekik picing pidana. Aku berharap semalam kita mimpi basah. Karena kekasihku mati

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The illustration of two women in traditional clothes in Indonesia

Dilemmatic Transformation of Women in Indonesia

Is local tradition backward? Is preserving traditional clothes – off-shoulder kemben, wearing traditional hair buns (konde), and tight fitting kebaya – a sin? Is ‘adat’ / culture something in the past and no longer relevant? Is it wrong to hold on to our own roots? . Does wearing a veil represent spiritual consciousness? Everything is

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