

Kita telanjang lagi.
Aku memungut sisa-sisa hari ini tanpa kamu yang menemani pangkal pahaku yang kering.
Kita senang mengalir bersama shower ringkih asam berbau besi berkarat.
Tapi sekarang aku rebah di padang pasir.
Tidak ada air yang melegakan kerongkonganku yang mentok dicekik picing pidana.
Aku berharap semalam kita mimpi basah.
Karena kekasihku mati terbawa angin. Lalu setelahnya kita masih bisa bertemu dan bercumbu.
Walau kita tau aku begitu membencimu tapi demi tuhan mari kita bercinta lagi.
Aku rasa kita terlalu malu-malu memberitahu pada ricuh dunia, Betapa darah yang mengalir pada tiap purnama itu tidak pernah benar-benar kita singkirkan.

Ia jauh mengaliri hembus nyawa kita sendiri.

Pada hidup yang setengah mati harus kita genapi sendiri, pada ruang paling dalam dan rahasia dalam vaginaku sendiri.


Anggun Munan is an Indonesian poet and feminist who passionately shares her perspectives towards gender and sexuality with the young generation in the country. The above poet is inspired by Sabda’s artwork (see one of his artworks here) on Reksa.

She reflected on the relationship between her vagina with her menstruation, in which she realised that the relationship is so intimate, like a lovebird. However, it is not only about lovey-dovey moments. Instead, it is a love-hate relationship: the menstrual blood gives her pain and discomfort, but at the same time, it gives her power. Moreover, it creates, maintains, and keeps one secret space for her to actualise her sexuality and romantic sensation where no one can interfere. Not her parents, her partner, and even not The State. It is just her.

Her poetry is intentionally written in Bahasa Indonesia to keep the meaning as it is.

To know more about her poems, contact her through Instagram at @anggun.yosephine

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